June 2022 Update

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I have internet again!!!

Yeah, that’s a great way to start this month’s update, isn’t it? Unfortunately, that’s where I’ve found myself. As I mentioned in my last Blog post, life’s been hectic due to finally moving over to Japan after way, way too long. I was only in Japan about a week and a half before heading back to the US to rebuild my 2007 V8 Vantage, including popping in a new engine… which arrived a week late, giving us one single day to install it.

Following the car being put back in one piece, I drove 3000 miles to participate in the big AMOC event at Lime Rock, including a track day at Lime Rock - even won a few awards! The huge trip was a perfect test for the new engine and other things I’d done to my car. Spoiler alert: it was phenomenal. The whole story is way too long for a Blog post and I’m working on getting everything documented, but so much happened that it’s going to take quite a while.

My wife and I flew back to Japan and got back to getting our new life together sorted out, but we’ll be back in the US a few days after I publish this Blog post, so, yay.

As if all of that hasn’t been a difficult enough schedule on top of my expat transition, I also found that I had incredibly unreliable internet in my new apartment when I moved in with my wife. It was driving me crazy because it would constantly slow down to be nearly unusable, or disconnect completely, then reconnect between 30 seconds and 30 minutes later. Every time I thought it’d be okay, it’d throw a tantrum or… whatever. Doesn’t matter. What matters is that I’ve effectively been offline for the last week and a half since getting back from the AMOC event because I couldn’t stay online.

Yesterday I went and got a new Japanese phone line with unlimited WiFi and a high tethering cap just to mitigate the situation, and today I actually figured out and solved the root cause of all my problems. It turns out that my wife’s router was the issue - it was designed for Windows XP and that was kinda sorta slightly a long fucking time ago.

Needless to say, the nearly two-decade-old router wasn’t quite keeping up with modern internet transmission demands and was tripping all over itself trying to keep up. So today Luanna and I hopped over to a store and bought a new router and, wouldn’t you know it, I’m finally able to work online again.

Oh dear god the backlog of work I now have. Wish me luck, everyone.


I hope it isn’t too surprising but there aren’t many updates this month (aside from my personal ones) as I’ve been so busy trying to get sorted with my relocation and unfucking the interwebs here.

I did get an Article uploaded immediately before writing this Blog post, though, since I was finally able to get online to publish it. The Article is about my admittedly over-the-top supercharged N24 engine. Yep, you read that right. Check out the Article for more information!

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Okay, that’s it for this update. I’ll push out Blog Posts as needed in addition to my monthly ones, so make sure you check back if you want to see those.

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